

发布时间:2022-05-05 浏览:659

Product description:

(1)volume of the Heating water tank:3500L. (加热水箱容积3500L。)Water tank material:  Ordinary carbon steel(水箱材料:普通碳钢。)

(2)Heating mode, diesel burner。(加热方式:柴油燃烧器。)

(3)The flow of asphalt is controlled by a variable frequency motor(变频电机控制沥青流量。)

(5)Use of  antiseptic glass rotor flowmeter in emulsifier solution system(在乳化剂溶液系统中使用防腐玻璃转子流量计。)

(6)The asphalt colloid  mill  is  made of stainless steel which  is more durable(沥青胶体磨采用不锈钢材料,22KW高速电机,转速2950转,乳化沥青细度小于5μm占85%。

(7)The advantages of all pneumatic valve: simple operation, stable performance, durable(全气动阀门,操作简单、性能稳定、持久耐用。)

(8)the maximum concentration of emulsified asphalt which it can produce is 68%,(可以生产***大浓度为68%的乳化沥青,产量为8吨/小时,整机重4吨。

(9)The production of emulsified asphalt can be used in the prime coat, the tack coat and the seal coatAnd it can produce high viscosity and high concentration emulsified asphalt。(可以加工透层、粘层、封层用乳化沥青高浓高粘乳化沥青等。

(10)It is an integrated device, so it takes up less space, easy to move and  use.(此型号的乳化沥青生产设备是集成设备,占地方少,便于移动和使用。)

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